Beta 1, 3-D Glucan
Thousands of people in europe have had beneficial and amazing effects by adding Betaglucan to their daily nutritional regime. Now thousands of people globally are asking why are doctors targeting beta 1,3d glucan as the twenty first century product that all people should consider taking.
If you have any questions, you can fax or email us. We would be happy to address any and all questions concerning the effects and health recovery of beta 1,3d glucan.
What is Beta 1, 3-D glucan?
History of Beta 1, 3-D glucan
How does it work?
Immune Activators
Tissue Regeneration and Repair
Adjuvant Effect
Anti-Neoplastic Effect
Betaglucan is a unique compound derived from the cell walls of yeast. Betaglucan is a multifaceted nutritional supplement that triggers an immune response in the body creating a system of defense against viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic or neoplastic invaders. It also has potent anti-oxidant and free radical scavenging capabilities.
In the 1940's research yielded a substance that had immune activating properties called Zymosan. It was not known until the 1960's which element caused the response , when Nicholas at Tulane University experimented with Beta 1, 3-D Glucan. In the 1970's experiments with Beta 1, 3-D Glucan in human's began.
There are 30 years of research and scientific studies behind Beta 1, 3-D Glucan at prestigious universities including Harvard, Tulane,and Baylor College of Medicine.
Immune Activators
Beta 1,3D glucan works by activating the macrophages, or immune
cells, which trap and engulf foreign substances. Resembling an angry
octopus, the macrophage extends tentacles like arms, physically
pulling in infectious invaders, similar to the way a "Pac
Man" works in the popular game. Also, the activated cells start
a cascade of events that cause the entire system to be alerted and
mobilized,in an entirely naturally activated sequence. The result is
an amplified immune system response...until the "invaders"
are Defeated.
Beta 1, 3D Glucan is a powerful free radical scavenger
Beta 1, 3D Glucan activated macrophages were able to scavenge debris
and cellular breakdown caused by radiation. In today's world it is
impossible to avoid some forms of radiation, such as:
Adjuvant Effect
Beta 1, 3d glucan helps other substances like antibiotics,
antifungals and antiparasitics to work better.
Anti-neoplastic effect
Beta 1,3d glucan makes the macrophages recognize and destroy mutated cells.
People with impaired immunity from any cause, including people who are susceptible to infectious diseases, people with hiv infection, people undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, people over 40 whose immune system begins to slow through the aging, process, geriatric patients.
People who are exposed to radiation from external sources such as uv, or electromagnetic fields,
People who are in a chronic disease state or who have diabetes.
People with poor nutrition or who consume food preservatives.
People under physical or emotional stress, athletes and those who work out extensively.
People with high risk of cardiovascular disease.
If you have a medical condition, we recommend that you consult your physician beforing trying our product. We make no medical claims.